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Adolescent Obedience Training

Welcome to the Adolescent Dog Training Course! Our course is tailored for dog owners with puppies entering their adolescent stage. This period can be challenging, but with the right dog training techniques, it can become an exciting time of growth and development.

What You Will Learn in Our Adolescent Dog Training Course

In this course, you will learn essential adolescent dog training tips focusing on positive reinforcement methods. This approach builds a strong bond with your dog while teaching important skills and behaviours.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Basic obedience training for adolescent dogs
  • Leash manners and control
  • Socialisation with other dogs and people
  • Problem-solving common behavioural issues

Why Train Your Adolescent Dog?

Training your adolescent dog is crucial for their development. Similar to teenagers, adolescent dogs test boundaries and become more independent. Proper training ensures your dog becomes a well-behaved and well-adjusted adult. During adolescence, dogs experience their second fear period, becoming fearful of previously familiar things. Training helps build confidence and manage these new feelings positively.

Additionally, training provides mental stimulation, important during physical changes in adolescence. Strengthening the bond between you and your dog fosters trust and understanding.

Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

Our course uses positive reinforcement dog training methods, rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or playtime, rather than punishment. This is the most effective and humane dog training method, encouraging good behavior and building a positive relationship based on trust and respect.

Using punishment or harsh methods can negatively affect your dog's behavior and well-being, leading to fear, anxiety, or aggression. Positive reinforcement focuses on teaching your dog what you want them to do, not punishing unwanted behaviors.

Course Structure

This 8-week dog obedience course is designed to help your energetic dog listen better, focus on you, and control their impulses. Through various dog training games and exercises, your dog will be engaged and challenged.

Course Includes:

  • Engagement games to improve focus
  • Teaching dogs to settle in new environments
  • Introducing bed games
  • Solidifying recall commands
  • Perfecting lead walking

Who Can Join?

Our course is perfect for older puppies and young adult dogs aged between 7 months and 2 years old.

Where Do Dog Training Classes Take Place?

  • At Dogs Country Club Training Centre, in our specially designed indoor barns:
  • Barn 1: Spacious astroturf flooring (72ft x 30ft)
  • Barn 2: Indoor sand arena (72ft x 30ft)
  • Well-lit and cosy environments with efficient heating
  • Safe training field available during summer months
  • Free parking
  • On-site toilets
  • Wheelchair accessible

Join our Adolescent Dog Training Course today to enhance your dog's behaviour and obedience in a fun, engaging environment!

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    Dogs North West Ltd Trading as Dogs Country Club
    191 Slag Lane
    Warrington WA3 1BU
    United Kingdom
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