Come and join us at our friendly off-lead play sessions and explore the great facilities that Dogs Country Club has to offer.
All play sessions are off-lead held in a secure environment so your dogs can play, have fun and run around.
Socialisation is an important aspect of your dog’s development. Dogs are social creatures and most will benefit from mixing in groups. Puppies and young dogs learn many social skills at these gatherings – watching, listening and copying others in the group. Older dogs can benefit from that extra bit of excitement and stimulation – helping them to stay young at heart and fitter for longer. Plus teaching those youngsters how to behave!
Meeting up with the gang is exactly what many dogs enjoy doing. So, join in the fun and let your dog be a happy, sociable dog! While in play sessions owners must stay with their dog(s) and are responsible for their own dogs behaviour and welfare at all times.
- Main Play Sessions are for 9 Months old +
- For under 9 months old please join our Puppy Party Play Sessions for under 12 months old

Off-Lead Play Session Rules:
- Only friendly and sociable dogs are welcome.
- No more than 2 dogs per handler.
- Read Off-Lead Play Sessions Etiquette.
- Do not bring toys, balls, food or treats to the off-lead play session.
- Do not bring female dog in heat/season-please wait at least 4 weeks from the start of the season.
If your dog is showing any behaviour issues before attending any off-lead play session book a Dog Socialisation Assessment.
Take your dog’s temperament into consideration, not every dog will benefit from off-lead play sessions, to learn more about your dog temperament book a Dog Socialisation Assessment.
Fully Vaccinated Dogs Only
You Must Book A Soclialisation Assessment If:
- your dog has never been off-lead before with other dogs and you don’t know how he/she will react.
- your dog is a rescue with a hazy background.
- your dog is over-boisterous and you are not sure if other dogs are safe.
- your dog is lunges at other dogs while barking on the lead.
Price per session, per one household: £8 per first dog, £5 per second dog and no cost for the third and the fourth dog.
Book your ticket here
The price includes:
- Free parking
- Free dog wash facilities
- Toilet facilities on site
07826 872305
A day at the Play Session is like a dozen walks on a leash in terms of physical and mental benefits for your dog.
They get the chance to get off-leash and run around and play with other dogs. It keeps their weight down and their muscle tone up. It keeps them social.
Enjoy safe secure fields for off-lead playtime. Don’t worry about recall or easily distracted dogs. Friendly dogs only.
Health & Fitness
Attending Play Sessions will help to keep your dog fit and healthy. Activities they do: fresh water lake swimming, sniff all the bushes and trees, thrilled to race another dog from one end of the field to the other and many more!
Dogs are social creatures and benefit from mixing in groups. There are lots of other dogs on the play session of different breeds, ages and sizes. Meeting up with the gang is exactly what many dogs enjoy doing.
Weight Management
As well as off-lead running and play, dogs are able to swim in the lake which is a great way to help manage weight and beneficial to those needing less impact on their joints while also helping to improve muscled tone.
Confidence Building
Play sessions help dogs to build confidence and become more comfortable around their canine companions and learn how to interact with other dogs.
Physical & Mental Stimulation
Meeting up with their friends provides your dog with the physical and mental stimulation it needs.
Calmer Companion
After all the fun and games of the play session your dog will be much calmer at home afterwards.
“Off-lead play session is like a dozen walks on a leash”
A day at the Play Session is like a dozen walks on a leash in terms of physical and mental benefits for your dog.
They get the chance to get off-leash and run around and play with other dogs. It keeps their weight down and their muscle tone up. It keeps them social.
Some dogs will have no desire to play, yet will love to sniff all the bushes and trees; other dogs will be thrilled to race another dog from one end of the park to the other. Both of these dogs can benefit from the Play Session – they just enjoy it in different way!
If you take the time to be an informed dog owner, you will be able to judge for yourself if the situation you and your dog are in is a good situation – so, have fun at the Play Sessions and get yourself a pooper scooper!
- Keep your Dog on the lead while approaching the OFF-lead play area.
- Pause before you enter If there are 20 dogs swarming the gates or if there’s a scuffle going on, this isn’t the time to barge in. A pause will also allow other dogs to get used to yours and not get hyper when he does come in.
- Once you enter take your dog off the lead straight away. The other dogs will want to come and say hello and being off the lead will give your dog the space it needs.
- Pay attention. Once inside, it’s your job to keep an eye out for the dogs, not other humans. Dog Play sessions are really awesome, but they’re not about human socialization, always know where your four-legged friend is and what he’s doing. If you see trouble brewing, call him back right away. Supervise dogs when they are playing and interrupt any rough play.
- Read the signals. Not only should your dog play well with others if you plan to take him to the play session — you need to be able to read canine behaviour too. Dogs at play have relaxed ears, wagging tails, and may “play bow” with their front end down to the ground. While growling and noise is common in play, snarling with lips curled back, staring or intently glaring, lunging and snapping and stiff body language isn’t. If you see these warning signs, redirect the dog with distractions such as clapping or loud noises.
- Observe your dogs in the play session at all times to monitor its interactions with the other dogs and watch for any potential health or behaviour problems.
- Be willing to leave a dog play session if you feel that your dog is either being a bully, being bullied, the play is getting too rough or your dog is just not having fun.
- Make sure your dog is not being bullied or learning bad manners from the other dogs. If you are unsure come out of the play session and find a staff member to ask and help.
- Make sure your dog is up-to-date on his/her vaccinations.
- Consult your veterinarian about your dog’s overall health before going to a dog play session.
- Clean up after your dog always pick up your dogs poop – children use the play areas too.
- Teach your pal to come to you when called. Use a word or phrase he’s not likely to hear at the park. Reward him with extra-special praise during training.
- Take your dog’s temperament into consideration and don’t assume s/he’s having a good time – watch your dog’s demeanor and make an informed judgment about how happy s/he is to be there.
Know what to do if a fight breaks out. Despite your best efforts, it can happen. Make sure you’re ready.
- Give it a moment. Most doggie duels end as quickly as they started.
- If they go at it for more than a few seconds, try to squirt them with a hose or water pistol, or you can also clap or make a loud noise. Don’t step in with your hands or body.
- If they’re still fighting after about 3 seconds, you and the other owner should approach the dogs from the rear. Gently grab their back legs at the top of the leg and lift them up like a wheelbarrow then start moving back. Don’t reach for the collar. Your dog could bite you by reflex.
- Know when to go. Basic good manners should help you avoid most problems. A little extra effort on your part will help.
- Bring or use toys in the play sessions.
- Use treats when other dogs are nearby.
- Allow a dog to bully another.
- Crowd around one area, spread out and try to walk around the field to keep your dogs moving as well.
- Worry if some dogs don’t play with other dogs.
- Allow humping.
- Allow food for humans.
- Bring female dogs in heat/season- please wait at least 4 weeks from the start of the season.
- Take your dog to a dog play session if you already know they have a behaviour issue that could be made worse by putting them in a situation they are not comfortable in.
- Keep your dog in a play session when it is not happy.
- Bring more than 2 dogs per handler.
Yes! We’re family friendly here at Dogs Country Club and welcome Children attending our Doggy Play Sessions with the following conditions:
– You are entirely responsible for your child at all times,
– You must fully supervise your child at all times,
– Children must not touch other people’s dogs without permission,
– Children must not scream, shout, or jump – which may scare dogs,
– Children must not take any human or dog food into the Play Session
– Dogs Country Club is not liable in any way for Children attending
You can find out what play sessions we are running at our online events calendar on the What’s On Page here and this is where you can book your ticket.
If you’ve been to our doggy play sessions before you’re welcome to turn up on the day where you can pay by cash on bank transfer.
If it’s your first time we do require you to book a ticket.
We can only accept Tickets which are booked online for the correct event and date. If you cannot no longer attend the Play Session you have booked, please contact TicketSource directly for any cancellations or to exchange the date of your Ticket.